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2023 Garden Project Underway
2023 Garden Project Underway Justin Young


Justin Young Gardening

Shot with my Nikon Z6II.

The 2023 planting season is underway, and our selected pepper species for the garden are Korean Gochugaru, Aji Chinchi Amarillo, and Japanese Shishito.  The seedlings I planted in February are developing nicely, and the last of the cold weather is wrapping up.  However, growing outside in March can be tricky because we tend to have a few random days where the night temperatures still get well into the 40s, which can be dangerous to juvenile pepper plants.  

This year, I'm taking the opportunity to pare down the number of species in the garden to plants that I consider practical.  For example, the "super hots" were a lot of fun to grow, but the high Scoville levels on the fruit were too high for us to be useful for anything more than bragging rights.  Regardless, it's a good start, and I am confident we'll have a good crop of peppers. 
